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Happy Inspirational Quotes Happiness Motivational Quotes and Thoughts

Happy Inspirational Quotes Motivational Happiness Pictures Images WallpapersIn Seeking Happiness For Others, You Find It For Yourself. – Unknown

The Secret Of Happiness Is Not In Doing What One Likes, But In Liking What One Does. – James M. Barrie

When One Door Of Happiness Closes, Another Opens, But Often We Look So Long At The Closed Door That We Do Not See The One That Has Been Opened For Us. – Helen Keller

Happiness Is The Art Of Never Holding In Your Mind The Memory Of Any Unpleasant Thing That Has Passed. – Unknown

To Be Happy, We Must Not Be Too Concerned With Others. – Albert Camus

Happy People Plan Actions, They Don’t Plan Results. – Dennis Waitley

If Men Would Consider Not So Much Wherein They Differ, As Wherein They Agree, There Would Be Far Less Of Uncharitableness And Angry Feeling In The World. – Joseph Addison

Happiness Is Acceptance. – Unknown

Thousands Of Candles Can Be Lighted From A Single Candle, And The Life Of The Candle Will Not Be Shortened. Happiness Never Decreases By Being Shared. – Buddha

Most People Would Rather Be Certain They’re Miserable, Than Risk Being Happy. – Dr. Robert Anthony

Happiness Is A State Of Activity. – Aristotle

Very Little Is Needed To Make A Happy Life; It Is All Within Yourself, In Your Way Of Thinking. – Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

Action May Not Always Bring Happiness; But There Is No Happiness Without Action. – Benjamin Disraeli

If Thou Wilt Make A Man Happy, Add Not Unto His Riches But Take Away From His Desires. – Epicurus

Also Read:  Dreams Quotes in English, Thoughts about Dreams, Inspirational Sayings

Happiness Is Something That Comes Into Our Lives Through Doors We Don’t Even Remember Leaving Open. – Rose Lane

Most People Are About As Happy As They Make Up Their Minds To Be. – Abraham Lincoln

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