Saturday , 27 July 2024
Beautiful inspirational messages great meaning by Pablo Neruda
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Greatness Quotes

Lao Tzu Quotes, Famous Sayings by Lao Tzu Best Quotes

Watch your thoughts, They become words. Watch your words, The become actions. Watch your actions, They become habits. Watch your habits, They become character. Watch your character, It becomes your destiny. ~ Lao Tzu Quotes

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Deepak Chopra Quotes in Hindi, Deepak Chopra Famous Thoughts

Quote 1: The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers. In Hindi: जितना कम आप अपना ह्रदय दूसरों के समक्ष खोलेंगे , उतनी अधिक आपके ह्रदय को पीड़ा होगी. Quote 2: You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an …

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Wisdom Thoughts with Images, Best Wisdom Thought and Sayings

Being a good Person does not depend on your religion or status in Life, your race or skin color, political view or culture. It depends on how good you treat others.

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